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Sunday, 17 May 2020

How to Keep Your Calm and Postitive During COVID-19 Pandemic -One Point Services

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about change across the board in our lives: from jobs, to relationships, financial stability and health. “Usually we are trying to just deal with changing one area of our life. The anxiety and the pressure that we feel from changes is heightened right now and getting bigger than ever before.
Considering that we can’t change the global uncertainty or what’s happening, we can change the personal reaction towards this uncertainty by what we can do in a day. Some of things which we can follow in our day-to-day routines.

Thankfulness: Take a moment to be thankful or grateful for a person or place in your life. For example, you could give thanks for old memories from a trip you took, or a time when your family visited you.
“There is so much greatness in our life that our mind tricks us into forgetting,”




Insight: “When you feel like your problems are growing, the only way that you can overcome them is when you feel you’re growing at the same time. Read something enriching, dabble in a hobby or learn a small new skill each day.
Now you feel better equipped to deal with whatever problem you’re going through.

Meditation: Finding moments of peace right now can be a challenge right now, but meditation is one of the best things you can do.
If we can have a moment of peace, then we get clarity about how to conduct the rest of on days. If you’re new to meditation, Start with an exercise called “box breathing.”
To do it, sit somewhere in your home where you feel the most comfortable and calm. “Breathe in for a count of four, hold for a count of four and breathe out for a count of four Continue this for a few minutes.
Most of our stress and anxiety comes when our body and breath aren’t aligned. This is one way that you can “create a relaxed breathing pattern.”

Exercise: A little movement every day is going to boost your mood, whether you’re working out, running up the stairs in your home or having an at-home dance party, find some way to incorporate exercise.


Let yourself get distracted

Staying productive and motivated while working from home can be a challenge for some people. The reality is that you’re going to feel distracted sometimes.
When you feel your mind wander, you can take a break for a set amount of time, then get back to work. A kitchen timer or an alarm on your phone will also work.
“It just makes it more fun. Rather than seeing distraction as a bad thing, you can see it as a little reward or a break.”

Tap into your senses

To Stay optimistic focusing on you your senses is one easy way to stay positive in the face of a pandemic.
First, find something to look at everyday that brings you joy. For example, it could be a piece of art in your home, or a funny video from a past memory.
“Organizing your photo gallery is a great tip for that, because you find things that you forgot actually happened.
Then, indulge in a scent that you find calming. For some people, that might be a lavender candle or a bundle of eucalyptus branches. Others might prefer the smell of baked goods.
“Scent has a certain power over us. Even though you’re at home, smells can transform your surroundings and the way you feel.
Finally, make sure your soundtrack is soothing. “If you’re listening to the news, that’s going to have an impact on your mood.
Make a playlist of your favorite songs that make you happy, or listen to nature sounds on YouTube. Even listening to a comedy album could give you a boost.

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